
Work unit Job title(Job description Duration
Deloitte Risk Advisory Services Department Information Security Threat Investigation and Forensic Incident Response Intern Consultant Jan 2024 - Jun 2024
Fashion Intelligence CO., LTD. Information Project Security Consultant(Part-time) Nov 2023 - Jul 2024
Wei Zhi Chuang Information Ltd. System Development Engineer(pieceworker) 9 cases now
NTUB IMD Business Intelligence Research Center SOC Team Leader Mar 2021 - Jan 2024
NTUB IMD Business Intelligence Research Center Cybersecurity Analyst Oct 2020 - Mar 2021
NTUB IMD Business Intelligence Research Center Network System Engineer Aug 2018 - Oct 2020
CYCU Computer Center Part-time student worker(Volunteer) Jun 2018 - Aug 2018

Start Date Unit Role Times
Sep 2019 NTUB IMD Business Intelligence Research Center O Camp Lecturer 4
Apr 2021 NTUB IMD Lecturer of Special Topic Workshop 5
Oct 2021 NTUB IMD Business Intelligence Research Center Certification Training Lecturer 5
Mar 2023 TKU AII Club x Google Developer Student Clubs Lead Facilitator of Cybersecurity Study Group 1
Feb 2023 NTUB IMD Business Intelligence Research Center System Network Experiential Course Coordinator 2
(The first phase registration had 52 people)
(The second phase registration had 105 people)
Date Unit Topic Total Hours(add up)
Apr 2021 NTUB IMD L2 Network Security 15 Hours
May 2021 NTUB IMD WireShark 10 Hours
Jun 2021 NTUB IMD Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing 23 Hours
Mar 2022 - Jun 2022 NTUB IMD CCNA certification training(12 hours extra) 78 Hours
Aug 2022 NTUB IMD RHCSA certification training 66 Hours
Aug 2022 NTUB IMD RHCE certification training 30 Hours
Nov 2022 NTUB IMD HTTP and HTTPS 3 Hours
Nov 2022 - Dec 2022 NTUB IMD Common Linux Service Deployment 18 Hours
Jan 2023 CYCU CSIE 111-1-UNIX System Course Review 3 Hours
Mar 2023 - Jun 2023 NTUB IMD Linux TroubleShooting 36 Hours
Mar 2023 TKU AII Club x GDSC Certification is useful vs. useless 3 Hours
Mar 2023 TKU AII Club x GDSC Virtual Machine vs. Container 3 Hours
Mar 2023 TKU AII Club x GDSC Introduction to Information certificates、Exam experience 3 Hours
Mar 2023 TKU AII Club x GDSC Must to know Linux 3 Hours
Apr 2023 TKU AII Club x GDSC Introduction to Security certificates、Exam experience 3 Hours
May 2023 NTUB IMD System Network Experiential Course - Hackers, What's Up? 3 Hours
Nov 2023 NTUB IMD System Network Experiential Course - The best OS 3 Hours
Nov 2023 NTUB IMD System Network Experiential Course - It’s just you who loves commands 3 Hours
Dec 2023 NTUB IMD System Network Experiential Course - I do it for one hour, and you do the whole day!? 3 Hours
Dec 2023 NTUB IMD System Network Experiential Course - One day as a hacker, the thrill of intrusion. 3 Hours
Jan 2024 CYCU CSIE 112-1-UNIX System Course Review 3 Hours
Mar 2024 NTUB IMD Comprehensive Analysis of HTTPS: Helping You Truly Understand It 6 Hours